Comedian Frank DeLima has donated a horse and an angel to Manoa Valley Theatre.
Well, yes… and no.

DeLima discovered he had costumes of a horse and angel amid his collection, storage for which had become an issue. So he wanted the items to reach a good home, and called MVT to donate the rare gear. And the theater accepted. Now it owns a horse and an angel.
“The horse has a front and a back end,” DeLima said. It was a costume intended for a Japanese show with samurai, which never reached fruition.
“The angel is huge – 8 feet – and since I can’t stand for a long time, I can’t use it any longer,” he said.

The horse never was in a show of his. But the angel made one Christmas appearance, in a Christmas production co-starring Glenn Medeiros at the Polynesian Palace years ago.
So there are warm memories of both costumes.
“I think I bought the horse, but the angel was designed by Kathe James,” DeLima recalled.F
So who knows? Some day the horse may trot out onto the MVT stage. The angel’s fate is not known, but she already is a blessing no matter the season…
A celebrity couple
Vanessa Lachey, tapped to portray Jane Tennant in CBS’s “NCIS: Hawai’i,” is married to boy band singer Nick Lachey of 98 Degrees. Which begs the question: will his celebrity factor in on hers?

Vanessa Lachey is making history in the “NCIS” orbit as the first and so far only female to lead an NCIS task force. In the mothership original, Mark Harmon is chief; in the Los Angeles version, LL Cool J and Chris O’Connell share the leadership; in the outgoing New Orleans rendering, Scott Bakula is honcho.
Besides singing, Nick Lachey also has been an actor/host on TV, co-hosting Netflix’s “Love Is Blind” with the missus, and appeared in The WB’s “Charmed.” Will he appear as an actor in “NCIS” here? He’s certain to have a SAG membership. Will he corral his 98 Degrees buddies to concertize here? The possibilities are unlimited. …
Moonlight serenade
Robert Cazimero is gearing up for yet another Moonlight Concert, at 7 p.m. May 27 at Chef Chai’s on Kapiolani Boulevard. A sit-down feast is served from 6 p.m.
The monthly performance features hula, too, but the joy is the unknown factor about Cazimero’s songlist. Hawaiian? Hapa-haole? Standards? He does ‘em all, a key reason the moonlight serenades work for him and for restaurateur Chai Chaowasaree.
Next one: June 24. …
Tickets: $95 at …
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And that’s “Show Biz.” …