Lissen up, folks. Lee A. Tonouchi, aka Da Pidgin Guerilla, goin offa one course in pidgin English, one language you kno if you local.
It’s free, and will be online, so gotta get up early and tune in.
If you get experience, good for you. You can learn how fo write one play, you know da kine script stuff for one theata.
Even if you dunno, you can sign up and learn.
As bruddah Tonouchi wen say in hiz online instructions:

“No mo’ limit on class size.
“Can be any age. Although I probably recommend da person be at least high school, but if one younger person like chance ’em, das cool too.
“Knowing how for write Pidgin stay optional.
“You no need be from Hawai’i for sign up.”
So mebbe you dunno Pidgin and feel lef out. Now’s your chance to try learn. Might not happen overnight, but dis can be one good summer project to learn Guerilla style. Not to be confused with Gorilla, but Guerilla. Means some rules might be broken, in case you dunno how fo write with propah technique. As long as you have hidden talent to tell one story, Pidg goin try help you shape ‘um into one play, or maybe jus’ one skit if you little bit slower. But no pressure, you can join and try write, but you gotta share what you write and read aloud. Goin get feedback, from the Pidg and udda fellas tuning in, but no need be shame of make A. The point is, dis can be da starting point.
Or, as Pidg sez, dis goin’ be Miyagi-style, da way Pat Morita wen teach karate, by inventing wax-on, wax-off teaching, where main ting you try, and no give up.-
The Pidgin Guerilla is da real deal. He stay win awards for his Pidgin plays, which wuz performed in theaters like Kumu Kahua and Honolulu Theatre for Youth, where dey staged da kine funny Pidgin stuff.
Da class will be presented via six consecutive Sunday mornings, 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. June 5, 12, 19, 26, July 3 and 10 — via Zoom.
Remembah, dis is freebie, so if you sign up, make sure you show up. If you like take one chance, no waste time, cuz you snooz, you lose… so fill out dis FORM.
And that’s Show Biz. …