Just asking…

If you’re a newspaper subscriber, don’t you find it irritating when the paper isn’t at your doorstep, as expected?

And when you call to report the misstep (or complain), the ritual on the automated phone message is off-putting.

NY Times provides email notice re: missing paper.

My Sunday Star-Advertiser was delivered without a hitch this morn. But my bulky Sunday New York Times, which I subscribe to, was AWOL.

Because the Star-Advertiser oversees the home delivery for my Sunday New York Times, you need to dial circulation to report the problem.

But the set-up only refers to the daily local paper.

So imagine my delight when I received – for the first time in a couple of decades subscribing to the Sunday Times – a helpful email the explained a transportation issue; the edition simply was not in HNL today, so delivery will be tomorrow. (The email is shared here).

Of course, it would be too much to expect from the local guys to provide that kind of premium service, automatically


  1. Our Sacramanto paper BEE also delivers my daily NYTimes home delivery and they are the culprit. Last Sunday and twice this week, I didn’t get the Bee and the NYTimes. I like the NYTimes because I’m immediately connected to a human. The Bee connects you to an automatic voice that will immediately say you will have a refund. So I emailed to the Editor and Customer Service Rep of the Bee last week and after three emails, and one phone call, finally got a human. They immediately changed their automatic system and now connect you to a human. I always say, I want both papers delivered today, not tomorrow! And they will deliver on that day. I also got the manager’s own number. The Customer Service supervisor said he has never called the Bee number so didn’t know customers weren’t connected to a human. So every morning, it’s a delight to see both papers on my driveway. Sometimes, they’re under or on the car but who cares for as long as both papers are delivered. I always hold my breath when I open the front door…that’s how poor our local delivery is.

  2. Aloha Wayne, Might you please post about Sean Choo’s AAPI Grandparents 7pm show tomorrow Mon Sept 12 and Tue Sept 13, 2022? Tix for one man show at Kumu Kahua Theatre are $20. Mahalo for🙌🏼your advocacy+support.

  3. Consistent, quality service is hard to find these days. Automation is an easy out, impersonal and lacking transparency. Complaints to a human are the exception, not the rule. Thanks for sharing your experience.

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