Comedian Frank DeLima’s latest parody, “Kona Low” is timely, topical, and terrific.

The melody is the Christmas classic, “Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!”

“I wrote it late Wednesday and recorded it yesterday (Thursday),” said DeLima, a versatile and successful parody creator. “ It took me couple hours to write the lyrics.”

For the uninformed, “Kona Low” is what meteorologists now call what used to be known as “Kona Weather.”

For DeLima, inspiration happens anytime, anywhere.

“ Kona Low was all I heard all week –I heard ‘Let It Snow!’ on KSSK  after they were discussing ‘Kona Low’ on Wednesday morning on my way back from visiting Red Hill Elementary (he regularly visits schools to deliver motivational talks to students) — and that’s when I thought, eh, I should do a parody.”

He plans to deliver a live performance of “Kona Low” at his Comedy Brunch gig at 1 p.m. Sunday (Dec. 3) at Blue Note Hawaii.

“Still gotta sing it over and over to get the lyrics solid in my brain,” said DeLima about memorizing the song before the Sunday.

The words – largely in pidgin – go like this:

Oh da weddah outside stay ugly

Da air real tick and muggy

Da wind stay hardly blow  

 Kona low, Kona low, Kona low.

One minute da sun stay shining

Next minute da tunda and lightning

Wen da wadda dump you nevah know

Kona low, Kona low, Kona Low

Wearing a hoodie (for protection from the Kona Low rain), DeLima has posted a video of the parody, which will bring a chuckle, or even a belly laugh, upon watching.

The parody continues with warnings of caution due to flooding, mudslides and overflowing streams, and puddle boats big and small that could cause your vehicle to stall … all in his inimitable brand of lingo.

 Since forecasters predict more unsettling Kona Low conditions over the weekend, the time for the song is now, before the rains subside.

To watch the video, visit my website at wayneharada.com

But please, please, please: you can download the video for free, at www.frankdelima.com but I urge you consider a donation to enable DeLima to continue his good work with his student enrichment program…

Comedy Brunch with Frank DeLima

When: 1 p.m. Sunday (Dec. 3); doors open at 11:30 a.m.

Where: Blue Note Hawaii, at the Outrigger Waikiiki resort

Tickets: $45 for premium seating, $35 for loge seating and bar zone

Reservations: www.bluenotehawaii.com or (808) 777-4890

And that’s Show Biz…


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