Just asking …Is your iPhone, or any other cell device, prepared for the looming 5G upgrades?

AT&T led the parade, shutting down its 3G — third-generation mode — to beef up to a speedier 5G service.
Verizon will eliminate 3G in December.
T-Mobile, my service, is terminating 3G at the end of March, which, gulp, is next week.
So I went to my T-Mobile store to check if I’m AOK for the switcheroo. Turns out, I am, because I got an iPhone 12 two years ago, my phone already is primed for 5G. My wife’s device, older than mine when I upgraded, was deemed ready for trashing when 3G vanishes at T-Mobile. So we got her an iPhone13 mini. Her data was properly transferred to the tinier new phone, so she’s ready to fly, too.

But are you? If you have popo or kupuna in your ‘ohana, you might want to assist them to updated their phones. If not, elders may lose connection and not know why.AARP Bulletin estimates between 1 and 3 million are 3Gers will need to convert to the 5G mode.
My service on Verizon has gone wonky. Last week my incoming calls went directly to voicemail. This week incoming calls get a busy signal. Verizon says they are working on their network and to be patient.
Clearly, stuff going bonkers is not a good sign. Or maybe it’s part of the sign of the times? Hope your issues get flushed away, Soon.