“Forever Plaid,” a nostalgic and heavenly off-Broadway musical comedy by Stuart Ross, with loads of harmony, old-school charm, and scores of familiar boy-group hits, opens Friday (May 28) at Diamond Theatre. Shows Thursdays through Sundays (times vary), through June 6. Tickets: $22, at diamondheadtheatre.com..”
“Tiny Beautiful Things,” a dramatic comedy by Nia Vardalos, based on the book by Cheryl Strayed, continues Thursdays through Sundays, May 6 through May 23, at Manoa Valley Theatre. About Sugar, an advice columnist, stalled in her own problems. Tickets: $40 adults, $35 seniors and military, $22 those 25, at manoavalleytheatre.com.
Henry Kapono hosts The Makaha Sons, at 6 p.m. May 18, Blue Note Hawaii. Tickets: $35 at bluenotehawaii.com. Live screen option available, $20. Visit bluenotehawaii.com.
Shari Lynn, at 6:30 p.m. Friday May 21, Medici’s at Manoa Marketplace. Doors open at 6 p.m. for dinner. Tickets: $59, includes show and dinner, at medicismanoamarketplace.com www.tix.com.