Depends on when and where you lived, Aala Park conjures many memories, some pleasant, many not.

I grew up in the Liliha-Palama area and attended school in Kalihi, so back in the day, Aala Park was a hub with a mix of merchants, park users and if memory is correct, served as a major transit point for HRT, the bus service known as Honolulu Rapid Transit.  If you were west bound,  this was the place to transfer – on King Street, which was two-way then — to hop on a Liliha or Kalihi bus.

Aala Park’s east side border is Nuuanu Stream.

Today, it’s a site overtaken by the homeless, with no shops, no legit commuter foot traffic, since its boundary streets – west-bound on Beretania, west-bound on Hotel, and east-bound on King – are all one-way. (Beretania is partially two-way). The three streets converge at Nuuanu Stream.

But what if Aala Park had a different destiny? That it didn’t become a hangout for druggies and the homeless? That it transitioned into a recreation destination?

Shops nearby Aala Park included a saloon and grocery store.

Aala would have evolved into a totally different place.

The retail cluster is long gone. I recall Japanese restaurants and movie theaters back in the day, and though I don’t remember ‘em, Aala boasted two baseball diamonds and at one point became the zone’s defining trademark. Aala Park hosted local baseball games with teams such as the Honolulus, the Kamehamehas, the Punahous, the Maile Ilimas.

Politicos gathered for rallies. Families shopped for gifts, at park bazaars and at merchants across the street.

The park’s old comfort station, built in 1916, was the city’s first public restroom.

Toyo Theatre was inspired by a Japan shrine.

An architectural gem – the Toyo Theatre – was a movie house built in the late 1930s with an ornate Asian motif designed by Charles W. Dickey, inspired by the Toshogu Shrine of Ieyasu Tokugawa in Nikko, Japan. The theater was located on College Walk, a stone’s throw from the River Street drainage canal that still is there. The movie house  was renamed Aala after WWII, and razed years later. And believe it or not, a Las Vegas-bound company of “Hair,” featuring the late James Grant Benton, was staged here.

OR&L diesel train, in Iwilei

Further across the street was the terminal for OR&L (Oahu Rail & Land) railway station,  which operated trains to Kahuku and back, between 1889 and 1971. I recall, as a youngster, we had a family trek to parks and beaches of Haleiwa and the remnants of the Iwilei station, across Aala Park, remain today. (There was a turntable for a turn-around in the city). The train carried passengers as well as transporting sugar cane and pineapple from the Ewa Plain to Kahuku.

But Aala became the spot to avoid and the stigma remains today. A skateboard park on the Beretania side of the park now offers recreational space for nearby tenants. The green space – grassy lawn, shade trees – is nice. But the stigma of a dubious past keeps folks away.

Do you have remembrances to share, about the Aala Park of yesteryear?


Just asking…

Let’s get something straight: even if CDS has loosened its COVID-19 regulations, the protocols in Hawaii remain somewhat firm regarding face masks. Like it or not, masks are not yet history.

Some are unmasking, based on national rules. But on the home front, masks still rule and some recommendations remain:

Mask wearing depends on when and where
  • Retailers still would like to have customers masked. That means merchants such as Costco, Target, WalMart, Longs and Walgreen (The national mandate does not apply here).
  • Ditto, restaurants. You wear your mask upon entry, you remove when you chat, drink and eat.
  • Airlines still are firm: no masks, no flight. Suggestion: keep a mask tucked into hour carry-on, cuz you’re gonna need it.
  • With many adults getting vaxxed – those who’ve resisted, what’s the matter? – there’s still the matter of children at home. As schools look to the fall resumption of in-person classes, with some hybrid situations were virtual learning might continue – unvaccinated children could still need to don face masks.
  • As activities mount — such as outdoor sports, indoor concerts and theater, and other recreational and entertainment shows —  the mask factor may depend on the venue and the event. Football, no masks; indoor theater, masking until further notice.

And a somewhat giddy note: As you gather with friends you haven’t seen since last year and the during the darker days of the pandemic, don’t you feel a tad foolish when someone hauls out an iPhone for a selfie, and you are masked, and you’re beaming with a huge smile … that cannot be seen?


Welcome to “Down Memory Lane,” a window of reflection. We’ll occasionally look back and remember people, places and things that made Hawaii special. We’ll welcome you to jump in periodically, too, to recall and relive another time when folks and destinations live mostly in memories.

If you’re of a certain vintage, you clearly will remember a saimin stand in your neighborhood, where you could get a bowl of noodles and broth and chit-chat, likely at picnic tables and benches, and slurp to your heart’s content.

Look around now; the mom-and-pop saimin stand is practically history.  Boulevard Saimin shuttered a few months back, and while Zippy’s and Shiro’s and even Rainbow Drive In can whip out a house specialty, the joints of the 1950s and ‘60s were pure gems.

When I was a kid, perhaps 10 or 12, living with my parents in Liliha, we were  five or six blocks away from Hall Street, off Kukui Street (don’t look, long gone), where a saimin stand flourished.

I remember eating in once, but our ritual was to do takeout. We had to bring our own stove top pot, order, then walk home with the hot pot.

There would be enough portions to serve four, with kamaboko and slivers of char siu, swimming in the broth and noodles. Chopped green onions provided a burst of green cheer. On special occasions, we might order wun ton min. I don’t recall the cost, but I remember that sticks of barbecue meat, grilled at the stand, were 5 cents apiece and we took four home as a side dish.

A few years later, a smaller saimin stand opened on Liliha at Vineyard Streets, which was closer than the trek to Hall Street. I think they had paper take-home containers; we didn’t need to bring our own pot.

Today, Hamura’s Saimin on Kauai is possibly the iconic model of the classic stand. Few seats, traditional menu, long lines before the pandemic.

Curiously, two stands have survived in Honolulu – Palace Saimin in Kalihi and Old Saimin Stand in Kapalama. Tanaka’s Saimin, or the chain of Ramen-Ya outlets, are newer

models of the old-fashioned stands … and don’t fit the template.

Do you recall a special saimin stand in your neighborhood? Or perhaps your family operated one?  Or the pot take-outs?


Just asking…

What memories do you have of the old Honolulu Stadium in Moili‘ili?

Honolulu Stadium, aka Termite Palace

Yep, the place that earned the nickname Termite Palace?

The site of many football games and ILH championships?

Where rivalries were truly intense?

Where Elvis Presley’s first Hawaii concert was staged?

Where the Goodyear tire encircled the clock?

Where the Hawaii Islanders played out many baseball seasons?

Surely, you have many fond recollections … so why not share and, if you have ‘em, post vintage photos?


It started with an email:

“I was surprised you didn’t own WayneHarada.com. I’m also surprised it’s still available! Let me know if you want to pick it up, I can set it up for you, free. It never hurts to have a space you own on the web to post or at least archive your independent writing.

Either way, keep doing what you love, we love you for it!”

Ryan Kawailani Ozawa at Rainbow Falls

The dude asking me about my establishing my own website was Ryan Kawailani Ozawa, a technologist who was the last of three who–over the past decade or so– suggested I should launch my own site. I’ve declined mostly because I was retired as a life-long journalist and turned to Facebook to post reviews, share entertainment and other chatter, and communicate with former friends and new followers as I began enjoying retirement and the uncertainty of unemployment.

When I exited the Honolulu Advertiser in 2008, I was invited to continue to write my “Show Biz” column for nearly a dozen more years. It was an easy commitment at a livable pace —  a column every Sunday – posted from anywhere, home or a trip abroad. Tuesday was the deadline day.

In March 2019, however, the paper terminated the column under crude and deceptive means, abandoning me in what they claimed was part of the pandemic cutbacks of freelancers… which was untrue since freelancers still populate the paper; I was one of only two terminations, but I appreciated the freedom but was not yet convinced my own website was a destination.

Facebook and beyond

Facebook has served me well. I post, followers respond. Many are ex-colleagues and longtime friends; but strangers have become “friends,” all virtual.

Ozawa was genuine in his email, and if WayneHarada.com was up for grabs and he did the snagging, I figured why not?

If he had faith in me, I thought I should reciprocate.

The timing was not ideal, however, since I was recuperating from minor back surgery to address an alternative to pain management for a sustaining lower back issue.

Clearly, I am not a techie, doing things as simply as possible, so I had to go on a fast track of learning.

With Ozawa as a mentor, I made the leap. He set up the initial perimeters and I had to learn the ropes without a manual, so this has been an educational journey, too.

I informed him that  a May 10 launch would be ideal, since I was doing “test” posts, some winding up on Facebook, too, but others confined to wayneharada.com.

The kick-off date became moot, since Ozawa turned on the switch much earlier in May.

As he suggested, the Show Biz column now exclusively runs at my site.

Generous, gentle guru

Ozawa has been a generous and gentle guru, providing kokua and tips on how to manage a site.

In repeated email exchanges, I pose questions, he provides solutions.

I’ve not met him face-to-face for Q&As; he prefers email.

I provided my cell number; he still prefers email. I still don’t have his number, so I email. Constantly. My Qs  might seem dumb to him, but the mentor has been patient and persistent, sharing support with a cool demeanor.

Sample exchange: Since I’ve been cross promoting my site on Facebook, Ozawa provided this advice:

“What you want to be sure to do is, every time you mention WayneHarada.com, is include a full link to the site: https://www.wayneharada.com — with the “https://www.” part — so that people have something to click to go directly to your site.”

Logical, of course, but how would I know that – without the tip he provides. I never quite understood why the https://www precede was vital.

A journalistic background

Yes, I’m flattered that he’s put up with me, and continues to do so, but it feels  somewhat like a phantom relationship. He’s there, but not there, if you get my drift.

And he won’t allow me to reimburse him for paying for the website.

Ozawa also has become a contributor of tidbits  for my column. So his savvy and voluntary “service” has been invaluable. He’s also approached and helped others, to some degree.

Then there was a confession:

“Yes, I have a habit of helping writers I admire start publishing independently online. Not all are as lucky as you to have their website domain name available, which is why I was a little more excited to contact you! I have a journalism degree but never had the guts to work in media, but I give lots of credit to those who do… and given the tumult in the industry, it’s important to me that great storytellers can still have their voices heard.”

So that’s the saga on how a retired journalist was thrust into launching his own website.

Write on!